Free Online Audio File Analyzer
Quick & easy analyzer for your audio files

Maztr's free online Audio File Analyzer is a quick and easy tool you can use right in your browser, without downloading any software, to perform a detailed analysis of your audio files. No account or login is required to use it.

Our Audio File Analyzer can give you thorough and detailed statistics about every aspect of your audio file. Scroll down to see the full list of information you can retrieve from your audio file using this tool. Want to see a visual illustration of your audio files — a "visual sound image"? Click here to use our free Audio File Visualizer.

We have many more free tools for your audio files. Click here to check them out.

Enter Settings

Upload Audio File:

.wav or .mp3
Max size: 50MB
(Upgrade to Pro - Get 300MB)

Audio File Analyzer Results

After you upload an audio file, you will be able to view the results of your analysis here.

What parameters are analyzed by the Audio File Analyzer?

This tool analyzes 3 subsets of data for your audio file - File Summary, File Detail and Channel Detail.

File Summary

The File Summary gives you an overview of the main elements of your audio file, including number of channels, sample and bit rates, bit depth, file size and length, and metadata tags, if any.

File Detail

The File Detail gives you the following detailed statistics about your audio file:

  1. Length. Length of the audio file in seconds.
  2. Scaled by. What the input is scaled by. By default 2^31-1, to go from 32-bit signed integer to [-1, 1].
  3. Maximum amplitude. Maximum sample value.
  4. Minimum amplitude. Minimum sample value.
  5. Midline amplitude. AKA mid-range, midpoint between the max and minimum values.
  6. Mean norm. Arithmetic mean of samples' absolute values.
  7. Mean amplitude. Arithmetic mean of samples' values.
  8. RMS amplitude. Root mean square, root of squared values' mean.
  9. Maximum delta. Maximum difference between two successive samples.
  10. Minimum delta. Minimum difference between two successive samples.
  11. Mean delta. Arithmetic mean of differences between successive samples.
  12. RMS delta. Root mean square of differences between successive samples.
  13. Rough frequency. Estimation of the input file's frequency, in hertz.
  14. Volume adjustment. Value that should be sent to -v so peak absolute amplitude is 1.

Channel Detail

The Channel Detail gives you the following detailed statistics about the channels in your audio file:

  1. DC offset, Min level, and Max level. Shown in the range ±1.
  2. Pk lev dB and RMS lev dB. Standard peak and RMS level measured in dBFS.
  3. RMS Pk dB and RMS Tr dB. Peak and trough values for RMS level measured over a short window (50ms).
  4. Crest factor. Standard ratio of peak to RMS level.
  5. Flat factor. A measure of the flatness (i.e. consecutive samples with the same value) of the signal at its peak levels.
  6. Pk count. The number of times that the signal reached either Min or Max level.
  7. Bit-depth. The resolution of the sound data in an audio file, such as 16-bit, 24-bit or 32-bit.
  8. Num samples. The sample-rate multiplied by Length.
  9. Length s. The duration in seconds of the audio.
  10. Scale Max. The maximum value that could apply to Max level.
  11. Window s. The length of the window used for the peak and trough RMS measurements.

Further Reading

If you need more information about Audio Analyzers, click here to read our Blog article on the subject.

Does the Audio File Analyzer have any usage limits?

Yes, the following limits apply based on your Maztr Subscription: